Ferencz Olivier and the Neuromedicine Foundation
It was in October 2014, when I got to know the young art loving Prof. Dr. med. Heinz Wiendl via the customer contact form.
Besides his commission as Director of the Clinic for General Neurology at the University Clinics Muenster, the Professor of Neurology is making efforts as chairman of the "Westfälische Stiftung Neuromedizin - Gemeinschaftsstiftung zur Förderung der neuromedizinischen Wissenschaft und Forschung" (Westphalian Neuromedical Fondation – Community Foundation for the Promotion of Neuromedical Science and Research), which is situated in Muenster.
As a non-profit organisation, this foundation is aiming at supporting research projects that are looking for causes, improved therapies and potential cures for neurological illnesses. Among these illnesses are Alzheimer´s, strokes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson and also epilepsy.
After a few interesting conversations with Prof. Wiendl and some staff-members and trustees of the foundation, this complex and also frightening topic caught my attention again and again. As an artist, I felt the urge to support this organisation that had already done so much good, through my artistic means.
At that time, I had been experimenting with a technical progression of my artworks. New materials and additional layers in the compilation of the paintings should add to their historical appearance and their findings-character.
An idea emerged: to create an artwork with this technique for the headquarters at the Albert-Schweitzer-Campus, in order to donate it to the Neuromedicine Foundation. The large format-artwork “Stiftung Neuromedizin“ by Ferencz Olivier is supposed to hint at the foundation´s work, here, representatively, for all visitors of the Central Clinic and the surrounding campus building of the UKM.
In May 2015, the presentation of the finished painting took place in my workshop. “I am in love with this art piece!“ was the first enthusiastic comment of Prof. Wiendl after the unveiling of the work with the impressive measurements 4 m x 1,40 m. A date for the official delivery of the painting in the presence of journalists has not been fixed, yet.